The mains caracteres of the season one

The mains caracteres of the season one

The evaluation

Doing this project permited me to improve my English skills, like my grammar and my verbs. It also permited me to develop an English ear because in my entourage, we never speak English. I learned how to make the summary of a TV program. Furthermore, I learned how to conjugate the past tenses and a lot of words I didn’t know before. I would recommend this show to other students because it’s pleasant and helpful. I found this project really interesting because even if it’s a kind of obligation, we can choose something that we will have fun doing.

3 commentaires:

Jane a dit…

I'm glad you enjoyed the project. I enjoyed reading your blog!

Anonyme a dit…

Hi, glom me on lisachu

Anonyme a dit…

Oui, probablement il est donc